Illustration and Visual Narrative - Task 1: Exercises

01.09.2022 - 09.10.2022 / Week 1- Week 6
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Illustration and Visual Narrative / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 1: Exercises


Class Summary

- Mr Hafiz introduced this module and guided us through the set up such as joining Google Classroom, access to Microsoft Teams and learning resources.
- We get introduced to Adobe Illustrator about the workspace and toolbar.
- Before starting an artwork, we should be aware of the size and resolution of the artwork and ensure they are precise.
- We also learn about the colour mode - RGB and CMYK colour.
- Introduction to Selection tool and Grouping

- Mr Hafiz briefed on the Vormator Exercise and the requirements for this exercise.
- Introduction to Pen tool and Curvature tool

- We got feedback on Vormator Exercise from Mr Hafiz.
- Introduction to the Pathfinder tool and Rotate tool
- Project 2: Digital Triptych and HONOR Competition briefing is conducted by Ms Anis
- Ms Anis gave us a lecture on Character Design Basics

- Type and Shapes
- Shape builder and Icons



Selection Tool and Grouping
- Selecting objects: Selection tool and Direct Selection tool
- Grouping and Isolation Mode
- Working with Layers
- Transforming objects 
- Reflecting objects
- Lines and Strokes 
- Working with Color: Fill, Stroke and Swatches

Exercise: create a simple illustration with the Shapes and Type Tool
We created a lemon using Rectangle Tool and Eclipse Tool

Fig. 1.1 'Lemon' exercise

Pen tool and Curvature tool
- Pen tool: edit anchor points, create curves and corners
- Using the pen tool to create a Clipping Mask
- Refining the Pen tool: use key commands to move faster

Exercise: tracing Vormator shapes using the Pen tool

Fig. 1.2 Vormator shapes

Fig. 1.3 Vormator shapes tracing

Pathfinder tool and Rotate tool
- Pathfinder tool: Unite, Minus Front, Intersect, Divide, Exclude
- Creating overlay or shadow effects using the Multiply blending mode
- Rotating objects in certain degrees using Rotate tool (R)
- Duplicating objects (Ctrl/Cmd+D)

Exercise: create a pattern using the Pathfinder tool and Rotate tool

Fig. 1.4 Blending Mode, Pathfinder tool and patterns

Type and Shapes
- Typing text using the Type tool (T) and converting text into shapes
- Creating type expressions 
- Shape Builder tool (Shift+M): create new shapes and erase parts of simpler one

Exercise: create type expressions 

Fig. 1.5 Type and Shapes

Shape builder and Icons
- Applying skills learned in previous classes (Pathfinder tool, Rotate tool, Duplicate, Blending Mode)
- Gradient tool

Exercise: create icons using the Shape Builder tool and Pathfinder tool

Fig. 1.6 Shape builder and icons

Chiaroscuro Exercise
- An Italian term which literally means 'light-dark'
- To study light and shadow of an object
- Applying skills and techniques learned in previous class (Pathfinder tool, Blending Mode, Knife tool, Pen tool, Simplify)

Fig. 1.7 Chiaroscuro exercises

Vormator challenge is the ultimate challenge of creativity. It challenges artists to create a visual by using eight vector shapes within a given set of rules. 

We are assigned to use the Vormator shapes we traced to create a black silhouette of a character. 

- flipping, rotating, duplicating and scaling the shapes in proportion is allowed
- free transformation of shapes is not allowed
- using black and white colours and one another colour (optional) is allowed 

Example of Vormator Challenge:

Fig. 2.1 Monster world

I came out with four characters for this exercise.

Fig. 2.2 Outcomes of Vormater Challenge Exercise, Week 2 (12/9/2022)

Final Vormater Challenge Exercise 
We are allowed to use the Pathfinder tool to enhance the shapes of the black silhouette of our character before turning in the final outcome. 

Fig. 2.3 Final outcome of Vormator Challenge Exercise, Week 3 (15/9/2022)

We are to conduct the chiaroscuro exercise using the image provided (the man on the right).

Fig. 3.1 Image provided

Fig. 3.2 Final Outcome of Chiaroscuro Exercise (two colour combinations), Week 6 (9/9/2022)

In week 7 class, Mr Hafiz taught us to apply a texture to our chiaroscuro exercise and below is the outcome.

Fig. 3.3 Texture

Fig. 3.4 Outcome of texture applied, Week 7 (13/10/2022)


WEEK 3 (Vormator Challenge)
Mr Hafiz commented all designs are good. I could choose any one of them to submit for this exercise.


Throughout this task, I have learnt the basic tools and techniques in Illustrator. I found it interesting that we can create any objects or designs we want just in shapes, combining them, adding effects to them, etc. All we need to do is to identify the shape of the objects we want to create.


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