Illustration and Visual Narrative - Project 2: Digital Triptych

15.09.2022 - 06.10.2022 / Week 3 - Week 6
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Illustration and Visual Narrative / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 2: Digital Triptych


- Ms Anis briefed us on Project 2: Digital Triptych and gave some guidance and ideas on starting this project
- Lecture on the basics of character design taught by Ms Anis

Basics of Character Design
Criteria of Stylized Character Design
1. Iconic: can be recognised easily and quickly even in black silhouettes
2. Simplicity: allows viewers to digest and understand the purpose of the character
3. Unique: memorable and can make an impact on viewers

Principles of Character Design

- Ms Anis conducted a lecture on the composition theory
- Ms Anis let us watch a video to identify the types of visual shots
- We show our work to Ms Anis and Mr Hafiz personally to get feedback

Composition Theory
THEORY 1: Visual Types and Shots
Basic Composition Visual Rules

Types of Shots

THEORY 2: Fore, Mid and Background
1. Foreground: Objects that are nearest to the viewer
2. Middle-ground: Objects in between foreground and background
3. Background: Objects that are furthest away from the viewer

Design flow: Good arrangement of visual focus using foreground, middle-ground and background should also indicate a sense of movement, and rhythm in your design.

THEORY 3: Perspectives

- Final consultation conducted by Mr Hafiz on our Digital Triptych design for the HONOR submission


Illustration and Visual Narrative Module Information Booklet

PROJECT 2: Digital Triptych
A triptych is a work of art that is divided into three sections that are hinged together and can be folded shut or displayed open. It is therefore a type of polyptych, the term for all multi-panel works.

Fig. 1.1 The Merode Altarpiece, attributed to the workshop of Robert Campin, c. 1427–32, from Wikipedia

Fig. 1.2 Modern photographic triptych from Wikipedia

In this project, we are to create three illustrations to depict the scenery of a story based on one of the themes with Adobe Illustrator. 
Themes: 1. Cultural Celebration
                 2. Renewal of Life

Digital Triptych requirements:
- size: 6000 x 3000 px; format: JPEG
- submission: 2 Oct 2022 (Google Classroom); 7 Oct 2022 (HONOR submission)

We will also participate HONOR Talents Global Design Awards by submitting our final design of the digital triptych.

Project 2: Digital Triptych 

1. Visual references
Fig. 1.3 Reference #1

Fig. 1.4 Reference #2

Fig. 1.5 Reference #3, Star Wars wallpaper

2. Idea Exploration
IDEA #1: Hope
Fig. 2.1 Idea sketch #1, Week 5 (28/9/2022)

Fig. 2.2 Attempt #1, Week 5 (28/9/2022)

Fig. 2.3 Attempt #2, Week 5 (2/10/2022)

Fig. 2.4 Attempt #3, Week 6 (6/10/2022)

IDEA #2: Flower
Fig. 2.5 Idea sketch #2, Week 5 (30/9/2022)

Fig. 2.6 Attempt-01, Week 5 (2/10/2022)

Fig. 2.7 Attempt-02, Week 5 (2/10/2022)

Fig. 2.8 Attempt-03, Week 5 (2/10/2022)

Fig. 2.9 Attempt-04, Week 5 (2/10/2022)

3. Final design

Fig. 3.1 Final Digital Triptych Design, The Hope, Week 6 (6/10/2022)

I intend to create a design about hope for life that is connected to the theme of the Renewal of Life. I contrasted with being hopeful and hopeless in my design. The 'blue hand' is the main element in my artwork, indicating human beings finding hope. The ‘blue hand’ on the left piece is struggling in the mud while on the right piece the ‘blue hand’ is dead in a desert, indicating hopelessness. In the middle piece, I created a sunrise scenery for the ‘blue hand’ which indicates hope for life. Other elements like the sun, butterflies, rainbow and flowers indicate hope as well. 

HONOR Submission - Wallpapers

Fig. 3.2 Wallpapers and Phone Cases Design

Fig. 3.3 Personalized Cards

Fig. 3.4 Main visual design image


Ms Anis commented on my design that the colours are too dull and she reminded me to consider the suitability of the design for desktop wallpaper.

Mr Hafiz suggested combining the separated land of each section into a whole. 


This project is an opportunity for us to participate in a competition. However, I was a bit confused with the themes given and I have no idea at the beginning. I think of lots of ideas but my main problem is how to express them in illustrations. Overall, it was fun to create a design based on the theme of the Renewal of Life.



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