Video and Sound Production - Project 1: Audio Editing

11.04.2023 - 21.05.2023 / Week 2 - Week 8
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Video and Sound Production / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Project 1: Audio Editing

Project 1
Exercise 1: Sound Dubbing
Exercise 2: Sound Shaping


Sound Shaping with EQ
Frequency range
Frequency unit: Hertz(Hz)
Human hearing: Frequency range from 20Hz to 20,000Hz.
Frequency ranges

Dynamic range
Decibels (dB): The threshold of human hearing is measured as 0dB SPL (sound pressure level) and the threshold of pain as 130dB SPL.
Dynamic range

Space: Mono vs Stereo
Mono sounds are recorded using a single audio channel, while stereo sounds are recorded using two audio channels.
Mono vs Stereo sound

Reverb sound effects
Decay Time: Specifies how many milliseconds the reverb takes to decay 60 dB. Longer values give longer reverb tails.
Pre‑Delay Time: Specifies how many milliseconds the reverb takes to build to its maximum amplitude.
Perception: Simulates irregularities in the environment
Dry: To add subtle spaciousness, set the Dry percentage higher; to achieve a special effect, set the Dry percentage lower. 
Wet: To add subtle spaciousness to a track, keep the Wet percentage lower than the Dry percentage. 


PROJECT 1: Audio Editing Exercises

Exercise 1: Sound Dubbing

We were tasked to do sound dubbing for a muted clip from the movie "Munich". We have to record the dialogue and list out the sound effects in the clip. Then, we will do sound editing for the audio tracks to match the movie clips. 

Sound effects can be sourced from:

Task requirements - 10 audio tracks:
- Dialogue: 4 audio tracks (one character one track)
- Hard Sound Effects: 3 audio tracks
- Ambience Sound: 3 audio tracks

- Edit voice from female to male, male to female, human to cute animal/adult to kid: Window (Premiere Pro)→ Audio Effects → Pitch Shifter → Semi tones

Video 1: Muted "Munich" movie clip

I recorded the dialogue audio tracks according to a dialogue script I wrote down from the clip.

Fig. 1.1 Dialogue script & recordings, Week 2 (17/4/2023)

Fig. 1.2 "Munich" scenes breakdown & sound effects listed - Google Sheets, Week 3 (19/4/2023)

We work in groups to search for sound effects together to share the work so we can make progress a little faster. 

Sound effects are uploaded to Google Drive.

First, I imported the clips and ambient background noise. I arranged the ambient indoor noise and ambient street noise according to the scenes.

Fig. 1.3 Ambient noise inserted, Week 3 (23/4/2023) 

After that, sound effects are imported and inserted into the sequence according to the specific running time. Several sound effects are overlapping together. For example in scene 8 (Fig. 1.5), the sound of steps, the sound of the phone ringing and the ambient indoor noise overlapped each other.

Fig. 1.4 Sound effects inserted, Week 3 (23/4/2023)

Fig. 1.5 Scene 8 (00:48 - 00:54) - Sound effects overlapping, Week 3 (23/4/2023)

To get a kid voice, I edit my voice by increasing two semi-tones in the Pitch Shifter. 

Fig. 1.6 Pitch Shifter - Edit voice from adult to kid, Week 3 (23/4/2023)

There is a telephone voice of the girl saying "hello" in scene 15. I edited the voice with the telephone sound effect by applying Essential Sound presets in Premiere Pro – Dialogue: From the Telephone, but I decreased the dynamics and clip volume.

Fig. 1.7 Scene 15 (1:11) From the Telephone audio effect, Week 3 (23/4/2023)

Final Submission

Final Project 1 - Exercise 1: Sound Dubbing "Munich"

Original video clips: Munich - Paris Assassination
Sound effects sources: &

Exercise 2: Sound Shaping

We were tasked to shape the provided audio into the assigned sound effects listed below:

Fig. 2.1 Sound effects assigned list

Original audio:

Progression in Adobe Audition
Fig. 2.2 Editing phone call sound effect, Week 8 (21/5/2023)

Fig. 2.3 Editing voice from the inside closet, Week 8 (21/5/2023)

Fig. 2.4 Editing voice in a big hall, Week 8 (21/5/2023)

Fig. 2.5 Editing voice in a bathroom Week 8 (21/5/2023)

Fig. 2.6 Editing voice in a cave, Week 8 (21/5/2023)

Final Submission

Final Project 1 - Exercise 2: Sound Shaping, Week 8 (21/5/2023)
Edited audio in Google Drive


No feedback was provided


Through the two exercises, I learned basic audio editing skills. I found the sound dubbing exercise interesting, but it was not easy work. Breaking down the specific timing of the sound effects and dialogue, as well as finding suitable sound effects are time-consuming. During the class, Mr Martin shared several case studies with us, and I also viewed different outcomes from my friends' projects. This experience helped me understand how various sound effects can evoke different emotions in a film. Exercise 2 was a basic audio shaping exercise that taught us how to manipulate audio in various scenarios by adjusting the sound effect settings in Adobe Audition.


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