Experiential Design - Task 1: Trending Experience

24.04.2024 - 19.05.2024 / Week 1 - Week 4
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Experiential Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 1: Trending Experience



WEEK 1 | Module Briefing
We were briefed about this module about the tasks and submissions. Mr Razif showed us past students' work to give an idea of the outcome of an AR application and the areas of improvement in how we can execute this project.

Introduction to XR
Extended Reality (XR)
Types of AR Experiences
  • Mobile (*mind that users mostly use one hand to interact with the virtual objects / use hand gestures)
  • Projection - 3D projection mapping
  • Head Mounted Display (HMD)

AR try-on: AR Animals & The Patung Project
We used our mobile phones to view the 3D animals and "patungs" from The Patung Project through augmented reality.
AR 3D cat and The Patung Project
Designing AR
  • Marker-based: Requires a marker such as an image to activate the virtual object
  • Markerless: Scan the surrounding environment to activate the virtual content

Design Thinking & Design Process
Left: Design thinking; right: Design process

WEEK 3 | Designing Experience

  • XD (Experience Design)
  • UX (User Experience)
  • UI (User Interface)
  • CX (Customer Experience)
  • BX (Brand Experience)
  • IxD (Interaction Design)
  • SD (Service Design)
  • IA (Information Architecture)

Journey Map
  • To map user’s journey when they perform a certain task
  • Have many touchpoints
  • Each touchpoint may have positive or negative feelings (gain point & pain point)

Empathy Map
  • Create a shared understanding
  • Aid in decision making
  • Components: Says, Thinks, Feels, Does
  • Capture the way users interact, think and feel about the product

Browse through the Nelson Norman Group website to get more information and resources on UX design.



WEEK 1 | Exercise 1
Imagine the scenario in either of the two places. What would the AR experience be and what extended visualisation can be useful? What do you want the user to feel?

Scenario: Sports Retail Store
The scenario I chose is Decathlon, a large sports retail store up to four or five levels. Every time I go shopping there, I face difficulty in finding the things that I want to buy. An in-store navigation app comprised of augmented reality technology would be helpful for me. By using the app, customers are able to search for the product they intended to find or purchase and get to it with the AR directions provided in the app. Upon finding the product, an AR card pops up showing the product image, name and available stock. 

Main features:
- Search products by categories, names
- Navigate customers to a certain product by showing AR directions  
- Show the stock of a product

Fig. 1.1 Visualisation of Decathlon navigation app (from left to right: 1-3)
  1. After selecting the desired product, a layout plan of the store will appear, indicating the customer's current location and the route to find the product.
  2. The live view navigation utilises AR to indicate the directions.
  3. Once the product is located, an AR card pops up beside it, displaying its name and available stock.

WEEK 3 | Group Activity: Journey Map
We were assigned to create a journey map of a place, listing out the tasks that will be performed at the place, along with gain points (positive aspects), pain points (negative aspects) and possible solutions with the incorporation of an AR mobile app. We worked in a group of six and chose Universal Studio of Singapore (theme park) for user mapping.
Fig. 1.2 Theme Park Journey Map - Universal Studio, Singapore

Feedback given by Mr Razif:
  • AR Navigation - Offer a selection of designated journeys for visitors to choose from, limiting them to maybe three options to alleviate congestion.
  • Ride Game - Relying solely on express tickets might not be ideal, as an excessive number of visitors purchasing them could lead to long queues.
  • Live Shows - Restrict the number of pre-booked seats and allow for both online and physical bookings simultaneously to prevent situations where visitors are unable to book any seats.
  • Eatery - Same applies to online reservations for seating and food pre-orders, must ensure that walk-in customers have access to seating.

TASK 1: Trending Experience

Trending Experience 1: Marker-based AR

WEEK 3 | Image Target

This week, we started to learn using the Unity software. We first set up Unity and imported the Vuforia Engine Package. Mr Razif explained the panels and their usage on Unity:
  • Scene: space for designing game objects
  • Game: to preview the outcome
  • Project: contain all files
  • Assets: the things you used in a project
  • Main camera: the view of the camera
  • Inspector: similar to properties, able to edit properties of a game object
  • Hierarchy: all things in the hierarchy are called game objects

Next, we generated a license key and set up the Vuforia Engine Database for creating the marker-based AR experience (Image Target). It would be best for the Target to reach a rating of 4 to ensure it can be recognised properly.
Fig. 2.1 Setting up database

Image Target
We first learned to add a 3D cube to the Image Target. The Image Target serves as a marker to activate the 3D Object. It is important to note that the 3D Object needs to be placed as a child of the Image Target so it can appear correctly on the image. The 3D cube can be transformed in terms of its scale, position and rotation.
Fig. 2.2 Adding a 3D cube to the Image Target

Video 1: Outcome of the 3D cube on the Image Target

Next, we learned to incorporate a video on the Image Target by adding a Plane to it.
Fig. 2.3 Adding a Plane to the Image Target

On the Plane, add a Video Player component, and drag the video file to the Video Clip column. We can adjust settings like looping, playback speed, and volume within the Video Player component.
Fig. 2.4 Video Player settings

Video 2: Outcome of the Video Player on the Image Target

Using the same approach, I generated another Image Target featuring Spirited Away, a Japanese animated film by Hayao Miyazaki. I incorporated a 3D model and video of the characters from the movie.
Video 3: Outcome of Image Target - Spirited Away


WEEK 4 | User Controls, UI (Buttons) & Build Settings
This week our tutorials covered the following:
  • Add functions to the game object
  • Create canvas and buttons, and add button functions
  • Create animations on a game object
  • Build settings and project settings

Add functions to a game object
We learned to add play and pause functions to the video player when the image target is found/lost.

In the Inspector panel for the Image Target, add an event to the list for when the target is found. Set the video player as the object and choose the VideoPlayer.Play function. For when the target is lost, follow the same steps but select the VideoPlayer.Pause function instead.

Fig. 3.1 Adding functions to the video player when the target is lost/found

When we scanned the Image Target, the video appeared on it and played automatically. When we move our camera away from the Image Target, the video will pause. 

Another thing to note is the Track Device Pose of the AR Camera. 
  • Checked: If the tracker is lost, the object will remain in the same position
  • Unchecked: If the tracker is lost, the object will also disappear

Fig. 3.2 Track Device Pose

We should uncheck the Track Device Pose to ensure the play/pause functions of the video player work well. 
Video 4: Outcome of adding Play/Pause functions to the video player

Create canvas and buttons, and add button functions
Play/pause buttons
The play/pause functions can also be controlled using buttons. We created a canvas and two buttons (Play and Pause) on it.
Fig. 3.3 Creating a canvas and play/pause buttons

First, select the button you want to configure. In the Button component, apply the following settings to assign the play and pause functions to each button:
  • Object: select Plane (Video Player)
  • On Click function: select VideoPlayer.Play (for Play button), VideoPlayer.Pause (for Pause button)
Fig. 3.4 Adding play function to the button

Video 5: Outcome of Play/Pause functions using buttons

Show/hide buttons
Next, apply the GameObject.SetActive function to show or hide the Cube:
  • SetActive checked: This means that SetActive is true. Clicking the Show button will display the Cube.
  • SetActive unchecked: This means that SetActive is false. Clicking the Hide button will hide the Cube.

Select the button you want to configure. Then, apply the settings to set the show and hide functions to the buttons:
  • Object: select Cube
  • On Click function: set GameObject.SetActive checked (for Show button), unchecked (for Hide button)
Fig. 3.5 Adding show function to the button

Video 6: Outcome of Show/Hide functions

Create animations on a game object
Next, we learned how to create basic animations for the Cube:
1. Create a new folder named "Animations".
2. In this folder, create an animation named "Cube_idle".
3. Open the Animation panel and record the animation of the Cube moving upwards and downwards.
4. For a static animation of the Cube, create another animation named "Cube_stop" without recording any movements.
Fig. 3.6 Recording animation of the Cube

To activate the animation of the Cube, we first have to set the default state of the Cube to static and add buttons to control the animations.
Fig. 3.7 Set "Cube_stop" (static animation) as the Layer Default State

Animate/Stop Animate buttons
To set the function for the Animate button to play the animation of the Cube:
  • Select the Animate button
  • Object: select Cube
  • On Click function: choose Animator.Play
  • In the field provided, type "Cube_idle"
Fig. 3.8 Setting the play animation function to the button

For the Stop Animate button:
  • Select the Stop Animate button
  • Object: select Cube
  • On Click function: choose Animator.Play
  • In the field provided, type "Cube_stop"
Fig. 3.9 Setting the stop animation function to the button

Video 7: Outcome of Animate/Stop Animate functions on the Cube

Build settings
Since I am using a MacBook and iPhone, so I select iOS under the Build Settings.
Fig. 3.10 Build Settings

Project settings
For the project settings, we should fill in the basic information such as the product name and app version. While the icon and splash image are optional.
  • Product name: AR Astronaut
  • Version: 1.0
  • Icon
  • Splash Image
Fig. 3.11 Project Settings

Under Resolution and Prentation, make sure "Render Over Native UI" is checked.
While under Other Settings, make the following adjustments:
  • Uncheck Metal API Validation
  • Camera Usage Description: type "AR Camera"
  • Target minimum iOS Version: 15.0.
  • Architecture: choose ARM64

Run in Xcode
After completing the build settings and project settings, I tried to run the app in Xcode. However, I encountered some issues with the Bundle Identifier and Sandbox error. 
Fig. 3.12 Run in Xcode

I managed to run it on my phone once, but there were some issues: the buttons didn't appear on the screen, and there was no sound for the video. I could only roughly tap on the approximate positions of the buttons for them to function.
Video 8: Trying out the app on mobile phone

Trending Experience 2: Markerless AR

WEEK 6 | Ground Plane
This week, we created a markerless AR experience by detecting the a flat surface to spawn a 3D object on the ground.

After setting up the Vuforia Package in the Unity Project, add the following object to the Hierarchy:
  • Plane Finder: Enables detection of surface
    • Duplicate Stage checked: Allows spawning multiple objects
  • Ground Plane stage: Allows placing objects on the ground
    • The object to spawn in the real world has to be a child of the Ground Plane Stage

First, we added a cube as the child of the Ground Plane Stage. Then, we used a ground plane simulator to simulate the real ground and tested whether the cube could be spawned on the ground.
Fig. 4.1 Ground plane simulator

Video 9: Test in Unity

We are required to create another markerless AR experience using virtual furniture to simulate the IKEA app, which places virtual furniture in real environments.
Fig. 4.2 Adding a 3D sofa to the scene

Fig. 4.3 Building the app in Xcode

I successfully built the app and was able to place the sofa on the ground. However, I did not notice the orientation of the sofa is facing backwards. Thus, when I place the virtual sofa on the ground, it displayed the back view.
Video 10: Markerless AR experience - Virtual Furniture
Source: Sofa 3D model

WEEK 9 | Scene Navigation

  • To create a 3D space or room for a portfolio or gallery showcase.
  • Install ProBuilder: Window - Package Manager - Unity Registry [Search: ProBuilder] - Install
  • Open ProBuilder Window: Tools - ProBuilder - ProBuilder Window
I created an open space for a furniture showcase by placing two walls with a flat surface and positioning a sofa in the centre.
Fig. 5.1 Building the space using ProBuilder

Create scenes
Next, we renamed the current scene that contains the 3D space called "ARScene" and created another two scenes "Menu" and "Exit". We created buttons on all scenes for navigation:
  • Menu scene: START and EXIT buttons
  • AR scene: MENU and EXIT buttons
  • Exit scene: MENU and START buttons
Fig. 5.2 Menu scene, AR scene and Exit scene

Create Scene Manager script
Before creating a script for screen navigation, ensure the scenes are properly set up:
  • Add the scenes in the Build Settings.
  • Arrange the scenes in the correct sequence, with the first scene at the top.
Fig. 5.3 Adding all scenes in the Build Settings

After that, create a C# Script file under a new folder named "Scripts" in the "Assets" folder. Rename the script file to "MySceneManager" immediately to ensure the class name matches the file name. In the 

We learned two different ways of scripts for the navigation:
1. Individual navigation scripts for each scene
Fig. 5.4 Method 1

2. Generic navigation script using strings
Fig. 5.5 Method 2

Add the script component to the buttons
Next, we have to add the script to the buttons. Before that, create an empty object name it "SceneManager", and drag it to the list under the button. Select "MySceneManager" – "changetoscene" and type the scene name in the text field.
Fig. 5.6 Add the "SceneManager" to the button

In the outcome, I made the 3D space smaller for a better view in the Unity preview.

Video 11: Outcome of scene navigation

WEEK 10 | UI Element

This week, we learned to import and apply custom-designed UI elements to buttons. Below are the steps:
  1. Import the UI elements into the Assets folder.
  2. Select all UI elements and change the Texture Type to Sprite (2D and UI).
  3. Change the Source Image of the button to the intended sprite.
  4. Checked the Preserve Aspect to ensure the sprite is not distorted?
Fig. Changing sprite

change colour using colour tint
- highlight colour: mouse over
- pressed colour: when clicked/tapped

can import the button background only and type the text in unity

swap instance using sprite swap

create simple animation for button


In Exercise 1, we described a scenario that could implement augmented reality (AR) to enhance the experience. With navigating in the Decathlon store as my chosen scenario, I did some research on AR indoor navigation and created mockups for the store. This helped me understand the applications of AR technology in daily life. Additionally, the group activity of mapping out a journey enabled us to identify user pain points and consider how AR integration could address them. It is important to recognise user challenges and examine whether AR solutions could effectively enhance their experiences.

I found using Unity software challenging at first as I am new to AR. It took me some time to familiarise myself with the space and tools within Unity. Through this process, I gained insight into how existing AR experiences are created. I learned a lot from this task and believe that it sets a solid foundation for developing our AR project. I am looking forward to applying the basic techniques I've learned to create my own AR app.



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