Experiential Design - Task 2: Experience Design Project Proposal

01.05.2024 - 09.06.2024 / Week 3 - Week 7
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Experiential Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 2: Experience Design Project Proposal



TASK 2: Experience Design Project Proposal

For this task, we need to create an experience design project that solves a specific issue and improves the user experience with the implementation of augmented reality (AR). Once our idea is approved, we will develop it into a detailed proposal.

During our first class in week 1, Mr Razif showcased seniors' projects in education, navigation (for museums and zoos), and business (sticker mock-ups). We can draw inspiration from these samples for our AR app project.

Proposal requirements:
  • Explain the project idea and the user experience
  • Analyse the current experience and compare it with similar solutions
  • Identify areas for improvement
  • Include sketches to visualize the experience
  • Provide mock designs from the user's perspective to showcase the final outcome

1. Proposed Ideas

Fig. 1.0 Experiential Design Project Ideas - PDF, Week 3 (12/5/2023)

2. Idea Development

Chosen Idea: Animal Blocks AR
Fig. 2.1 Pattern blocks

After consulting with Mr Razif, I realised the objective for developing this app should be to enhance interactivity for children while they engage with animal pattern blocks, facilitating their learning about different animals.

Next, I developed the user personas, user journey map and proposed solutions to address the problem.

Fig. User persona 1
Fig. 2.2 User persona 2
Fig. 2.3 User persona 3

Fig. 2.4 Current user journey map

The Animal Blocks AR app will be used to address the problems. The proposed solutions include: 
  • Initial guidance from parents and teachers.
  • AR semi-transparent completed animal patterns for visual guidance, using markerless AR technology.
  • Confirmation of correct block placement to keep children motivated.
  • Virtual 3D animals upon completion with educational content to connect patterns to real-life animals.
Here's the new user journey map which involves using the Animal Blocks AR app.
Fig. 2.5 New user journey map


I sketched out the app flow for pattern block assembly:
  1. Select animal pattern
  2. Find a flat surface
  3. Place the AR hint
  4. Place the block correctly and receive confirmation message
  5. Success on completing the animal pattern
  6. Virtual 3D cat appears
  7. Explore the animal's description and facts
Fig. 2.6 Sketches of the app flow for pattern block assembly

Fig. 2.7 Figma workspace - Mockups

Fig. 2.8 Compilation of screen mockups - PDF

Other content, including creative direction, mood board, and references, can be found in the proposal document. For a detailed overview, please refer to the attached document or slides below.

Final Submission

Project Proposal Document

Task 2: Experience Design Project Proposal Document - PDF, Week 7 (9/6/2024)

Presentation Slides
Task 2: Experience Design Project Proposal - SLIDES, Week 7 (9/6/2024)

Video Presentation

Task 2: Experience Design Project Proposal Video Presentation, Week 7 (9/6/2024)


Proposed Ideas
Idea #1: LunAR Explore - Many people have been doing this kind of app and AR experiences about space and the solar system, Mr Razif suggested exploring Idea #2, which has yet to be explored.
Idea #2: Animal Blocks AR - The primary focus for the prototype is to assess whether completed animal blocks can serve as targets to activate 3D models of animals, even when slightly misaligned. Mr Razif recommended experimenting with cardboard cutouts for the blocks.

Visualisation - Mockups
Overall, the mockups are fine. However, the text "Meow" appears without a purpose in the bubble speech (refer to the image below). Mr Razif suggested displaying the text "Meow" when users tap the animal sound button.


Designing an augmented reality (AR) app is quite different from creating a typical app. There are many aspects to consider, such as interface design, UI design and the AR experience. Through this project, I have learned how AR can address certain problems and improve our lives. For my app, I gained a better understanding of pattern blocks during research. These blocks are not limited to pattern making but also support various learning activities, such as teaching symmetry, fractions, and angles in math. Although I am unsure if the app can be fully developed, it is worth trying to implement the features in the next task, prototyping. 

The next steps involve creating a 3D model of an animal pattern to test its placement on a ground plane. Besides, I will use cardboard to replicate the pattern blocks and see if they can serve as image targets to spawn the virtual animal. Looking forward to developing the prototype.



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