Experiential Design - Final Project: Completed Experience

01.07.2024 - 02.08.2024 / Week 10 - Week 14
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Experiential Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in 3 Creative Media
Final Project: Completed Experience


FINAL PROJECT: Completed Experience

Continuing the previous task, we are to refine the prototype into a complete working and functional AR app in the final project. 

After reviewing my prototype, I successfully implemented the cat pattern for spawning the AR hint and virtual cat. However, the block assembly process is still incomplete. Due to time constraints, I opted to remove confirmation messages and made the block assembly process to be self-guided. I also added three more animals, including dog, rabbit, and chicken, so there are four in total. Additionally, I included a mini quiz in the app based on recommendations from my friends.

1) AR Hint
I first created the AR hint for each animal, starting with the cat pattern, which was completed in the previous prototype, followed by the dog, rabbit and chicken. These pattern blocks are assembled based on existing designs I found online. The AR hints guide users in assembling their desired pattern during the block assembly process.

Fig. 1.1 Cat pattern

Fig. 1.2 Dog pattern

Fig. 1.3 Rabbit pattern

Fig. 1.4 Chicken pattern

2) Virtual Animals
To spawn the virtual animals, I prepared the remaining blocks needed for the animal patterns above.

Fig. 2.1 Blocks created

Next, I assembled the blocks to form each animal pattern and converted them into image targets. The dog and chicken patterns required several attempts, as they were more challenging to detect and trigger the virtual animals to spawn.

Fig. 2.2 Targets created

Moving on, I attached each 3D animal model to the corresponding image target by placing them on top of the image targets.

Fig. 2.3 3D cat model

Fig. 2.4 3D dog model

Fig. 2.5 3D rabbit model

Fig. 2.6 3D chicken model

3) Scenes
I have 17 scenes in total:
  • 3 scenes for start screen, menus and animal selection
  • 8 scenes for the animal patterns
  • 6 scenes for the mini quiz
Fig. 3.1 All scenes
* The app screens will be displayed in the App Flow section below

Besides, I created scan guides for the app, which include instructions for scanning a flat surface and scanning the completed pattern blocks. I added boolean events to the guide canvases, making them inactive once a flat surface or the target is detected.

Fig. 3.2 Scan guide for flat surface

Fig. 3.3 Scan guide for pattern blocks

Fig. 3.4 Setting up boolean events to the guide canvases

4) Scripts
I created 3 scripts for my project:
  • AudioManager: Manages background music, ensuring it plays continuously across scene changes
  • MySceneManager: Handles scene loading
  • QuizManager: Manages the quiz's score system
Fig. 4.1 Scripts

Fig. 4.2 Scripts for QuizManager

5) Build and Export to Mobile Phone
Ensuring all things were done for the app, I built and ran the project and successfully generated the app files. Then, I exported the app to my phone using XCode.

Fig. 5.1 Successfully built the app files from Unity

Fig. 5.2 Export to phone using XCode

6) App Flow
Start Screen, Home Screen, Animal Pattern Selection
Animal Blocks AR begins with the Start screen and next to the Home screen. The Home screen includes two buttons: Animals and Mini Quiz, which navigates users to the Animal pattern selection screen and questions of the mini quiz respectively. 

Fig. 6.1 Start screen, Home screen and Animal pattern selection screen

AR Hint
After selecting the desired animal pattern to assemble, the app navigates users to the corresponding animal to place the AR hint. A scan guide appears and asks users to scan around and find a flat surface for placing the AR hint.

Fig. 6.2 Scan guide and Place AR hint

Block Assembly Process
After successfully placing the AR hint, users can follow the AR hint to assemble the blocks. Users can tap on the "complete" button at the bottom right corner to spawn the virtual animal when completing assembling the blocks.

Fig. 6.3 Block assembly and scanning of the completed pattern

Spawning of Virtual Animal
Upon successfully spawning the virtual animal, users can learn about the animal's lifespan, diet, and behaviours by tapping the info button. They can also hear the animal's sound by tapping the sound icon at the bottom, which triggers a speech bubble displaying the sound's text. Besides, home and back buttons are provided at the bottom for easy navigation.

Fig. 6.4 Animal description and animal sound

Mini Quiz
Lastly, users can take the mini quiz that incorporates 5 simple questions to test their learning. After completing all the questions, a total score will be calculated. Users have the option to retake the quiz or return back to home.

Fig. 6.5 Mini quiz: Q1-Q3

Fig. 6.6 Mini quiz: Q4-Q5 and Total Score

Final Submission

Google Drive Link

Final Experience Design Project Document

Final Experience Design Project Document

Video Presentation

Video Presentation - Final Project: Completed Experience

App Walkthrough Video

App Walkthrough Video - Final Project: Completed Experience


Throughout the design process of the app, I realised there are still many areas for improvement, including navigation, transitions, animations and sound effects that can create a more engaging experience for users. Especially when comes to the detection of the completed pattern, it may be difficult to detect due to the differences in the angles and lightning between the physical blocks and the image target. Although my app is relatively simple and does not require complex coding, it is still functional and provides an engaging learning experience for kids. I am pleased with how it turned out, especially since I wasn’t sure this idea could be executed. I appreciate Mr Razif's encouragement to give it a try, and I'm happy with the results. Also, thanks to my friends who gave suggestions to me and tested my app.
App testing



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