Experiential Design - Task 3: Creative Experience Design Project Prototype

10.06.2024 - 08.07.2024 / Week 8 - Week 11
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Experiential Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 3: Creative Experience Design Project Prototype


Task 3: Creative Experience Design Project Prototype

We are required to work on the prototype of our proposed idea, focusing on creating a functional prototype that can test the MVP features.

Task requirements:
  • Screen design visual prototype (Figma)
  • Functional prototype showcasing the MVP features of the AR app

Things to do:
I listed the key features of my AR app and outlined the tasks to execute and test in this prototype:

1) AR hint [Markerless AR]
  • Create a 3D animal pattern and test it using Ground Plane

2) Confirmation Message
  • Ensure the recognition of physical blocks and detection of block placement

3) Interactive virtual animal [Marker-based AR]
  • Create physical pattern blocks
  • Take images of the completed pattern and use them as image targets for spawning the virtual animals 
  • Implement and verify interaction features (move, rotate, resize)
  • Integrate and test animal sounds and animations
Fig. 1.0 1) AR hint; 2) Confirmation messages; 3) Interactive virtual animal (sequence starts from left to right)

Prototyping Process

1) AR hint [Markerless AR]
I began by creating the AR hint and testing its ability to spawn on the Ground Plane. I utilised free 3D models of the pattern blocks by Taimoor98.

First, I imported the 3D pattern blocks into the project. Next, I assembled the blocks to create a cat pattern and set it as a child of the Ground Plane Stage. 
Fig. 1.1 Assemble cat pattern

Moving forward, I added colours to the blocks by creating corresponding materials.

Fig. 1.2 Add materials to the blocks

Since this AR hint has to be semi-transparent, I changed the material rendering mode to Fade and adjusted the Alpha value. 
Fig. 1.3 Adjust the transparency of the blocks

After completing these steps, I tested the AR hint using the Ground Plane.

Video 1: Outcome of testing the AR hint using the Ground Plane

2) Confirmation Message
The confirmation message feature is intended to display a message like "Good job" on the screen when users place a block in the correct position. After searching online, I found that a possible method to implement this feature could be using object tracking. However, I haven't implemented this feature.

3) Interactive virtual animal [Marker-based AR]
To create the physical blocks, I designed the block templates in Illustrator. After printing them out, I coloured them to match the pattern block colours. These blocks were then used to assemble the cat pattern.
Fig. 2.1 Creating block templates in Illustrator

Fig. 2.2 Colouring the blocks

Once the blocks were completed, I assembled them to form the cat pattern.

Fig. 2.3 Final outcome of the physical blocks

Next, I aimed to use the cat pattern as a target to spawn a virtual cat. I experimented with two methods: creating image targets and model targets.

Attempt #1: Image Target (Failed)
For my first attempt, I created an image target for the cat pattern by taking a photo of the cat pattern on my table. Obviously, this image target could not work because of the background.

Fig. 2.4 Image target (attempt #1)

Attempt #2: Model Target (Failed)
When exploring alternative solutions, I discovered that to use a 3D object as a target, I need to create a model target for it to spawn the AR content.

I made a 3D model of the cat pattern and uploaded it to the Model Target Generator. After configuring the model target settings, I downloaded the database and imported it into my project. However, I failed to spawn the virtual cat when scanning the physical cat pattern because I was unfamiliar with the necessary steps and requirements for creating a highly recognisable model target.

Fig. 2.5 Creating a 3D model of the cat pattern in Blender

Fig. 2.6 Import the 3D model into Model Target Generator

Fig. 2.7 Model target attempts

Both attempts #1 and #2 failed to make the cat pattern work as the target for spawning a virtual cat. I got stuck at this stage, so I consulted with Mr Razif's feedback to find out possible solutions.

After consulting with Mr Razif, I recreated the image target for the cat pattern, ensuring the image target had a white background.

Attempt #3: Recreate Image Target
I recreated a new image target by taking a photo of the cat pattern against a white background. I attempted to upload an image target with a transparent background, but Vuforia indicated that the image had the wrong colour model.

Fig. 2.8 Unable to upload the image target (wrong colour model)

Fig. 2.9 Recreated image target (attempt #3)

Video 2: Outcome of testing the recreated image target

4) Screens
After I had done the AR features, I started developing the screens in Unity including the button navigation and manual guide screens.

For now, I have developed four scenes in my project, including Start Screen, Animal Pattern Selection, Place AR Hint and Spawn Virtual Animal.

Fig. 3.1 Scenes created

Fig. 3.2 Start screen

Fig. 3.3 Animal pattern selection

Fig. 3.4 Scan flat surface guide

Fig. 3.5 Scan completed pattern guide 

Video 3: Create scan icon animation

Fig. 3.6 Animal description panel

Walkthrough Video

Animal Blocks AR Walkthrough Video - Task 3: Creative Experience Design Project Prototype

Video Presentation

Video Presentation - Task 3: Creative Experience Design Project Prototype

  • Place AR hint
  • Spawn virtual animal
  • Manual guide (scan flat surface, scan completed blocks)
  • Animal descriptions and sounds

To be done:
  • Implement object tracking for the confirmation message feature
  • Develop AR hints and virtual animals for the remaining animal patterns
  • Add rotate and resize functions


The background for the image target has to be white.


In this prototype, I only implemented two AR features that involve markerless AR and marker-based AR. Both features are covered in classes and are straightforward to implement. However, I have no idea how to implement the confirmation message feature, which is important for the app. Due to time constraints from working on my game prototype for another module, I could not fully showcase the pattern block assembly process using the AR app. Moving forward, I will focus on finding a solution for the confirmation message feature to create a smoother flow and more engaging experience for users.


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