Games Development - Task 1: Game Design Document

23.04.2024 - 19.05.2024 / Week 1 - Week 4
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Games Development / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 1: Game Design Document


TASK 1: Game Design Document

In this module, our task is to develop a 2D side-scrolling/platformer game using Unity. The game design document should encompass the storyline, characters, gameplay mechanics, and relevant visual references to develop the game. 

1. Research
Before developing my game ideas, I played several games to understand their elements and gameplay mechanics.

Fig. 1.0 Research, Week 2 (30/4/2024)

2. Game Ideas

Fig. 2.0 Game ideas, Week 2 (30/4/2024)

3. Idea Development
I selected Idea #1: Oliver's Odyssey for further refinement.

I have 3 levels for my game, and Fig. 3.1 shows the flowchart of my game:
  • Level 1: Easy challenges - defeat Grims (enemies), avoid obstacles, and collect energy pieces.
  • Level 2: Increased difficulty - more enemies, additional obstacles, and more energy pieces to collect.
  • Level 3: Final level - defeat the boss, Grimlord.

Fig. 3.1 Flowchart

Game Asset Rough Sketches
I created sketches of the characters, items, power-ups, and obstacles in Illustrator to visualise how the assets would look.
Fig. 3.2 Rough sketches of characters
Fig. 3.3 Rough sketches of items, power-ups and obstacles

Final Submission

Task 1: Game Design Document - PDF, Week 4 (19/5/2024)
Task 1: Game Design Document - SLIDES, Week 4 (19/5/2024)

Video Presentation - Task 1: Game Design Document, Week 5 (24/5/2024)


Game ideas
The two ideas are completely different concepts. Mr Razif advised working on Idea #1: Oliver's Odyssey, where we can apply our class tutorial to the game creation. I need to refine the gameplay and add more details to solidify the foundation for creating the game.

Overall, my preliminary Game Design Document is fine with basic game elements included. I need to organise the sections in the document and add descriptions to the visual references.


Creating a game has been challenging for me since I rarely play games. It was time-consuming when writing the Game Design Document, particularly the gameplay mechanics section. I used the SCAMPER method to develop my game, drawing inspiration from existing 2D platformer games. Despite the challenges, I found it enjoyable to design a game based on my own interests. I am looking forward to successfully creating this game.



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