Games Development - Task 2: Art Asset Development

21.05.2024 - 12.06.2024 / Week 5 - Week 8
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Games Development / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 2: Art Asset Development


TASK 2: Art Asset Development

We were to produce the art assets for our game, including the characters, environment, items, props, obstacles, power-ups and HUD design.

Assets List
A) Characters
  • Main character: Oliver
  • Enemy 01: Grim
  • Enemy 02: Flicker
  • The Boss: Grimlord
B) Environment
  • Tilesets
  • Background
  • Obstacles: Spikes, Acid pool, Asteroids
C) Collectibles
  • Energy pieces
  • Health pack
  • Double bullet

In this task, I only managed to complete parts of the asset list and some of the animations. Below are the assets that have not been completed.

Things yet to be done:
  • Character's animations
  • Collectibles: Double bullet power-up
  • Traps: Falling asteroids
  • Buttons, HUD design: Health bar, Power bar
  • Scenes: Start scene, Story cutscenes, Pause scene, Game over scene, Victory scene

Design Process

My game features pixel art style, so I decided to use Photoshop to create the game assets and animations. For the characters, I used canvas sizes of 32x32 and 64x64 pixels. Smaller canvas sizes were used for the items and power-ups.

I started with my main character, Oliver, using the sketches I did in Illustrator, as well as other characters.

Fig. 1.0 Character sketches

A) Characters

Main character: Oliver
Oliver is a brave, adventurous, experienced space explorer under the ASTRA company. He dressed up in a space suit with a jetpack at the back, holding a gun. 

Fig. 1.1 Illustrating Oliver in Photoshop

I made two attempts at trying light and dark outlines for Oliver. Since my game features a dark background, I decided to use the lighter outline. Moving on, I created animations for Oliver instead of just creating static poses for him. I realised that Oliver's legs were too close together, making it difficult for me to animate. Thus, I adjusted his legs to be more separated.

Fig. 1.2 Oliver attempts

Fig. 1.3 Oliver final design 

Next, I created animations for Oliver by using frames in Photoshop. Prior to that, I researched references for each animation pose to ensure smooth transitions.

Oliver's animations:
  • Idle
  • Move
  • Jump
  • Fly (jetpack)
  • Attack
  • Hurt
  • Die
  • Respawn
Fig. 1.4 Oliver idle
Fig. 1.5 Oliver walking
Fig. 1.6 Oliver jumping
Fig. 1.7 Oliver flying with a jetpack

Fig. 1.8 Oliver attack
Fig. 1.9 Oliver hurt
Fig. 1.10 Oliver died
Fig. 1.11 Oliver respawn

Enemy 01: 
Grims are small minions on Lumina. They can attack from close range by shooting at the player, causing minor damage. They are about half human height, so I used Oliver as the reference.

Fig. 2.1 Illustrating Grim in Photoshop

Fig. 2.2 Grim final design

Grim's animations:
  • Move
  • Attack
  • Hurt
  • Die
Fig. 2.3 Grim walking

Fig. 2.4 Grim moving from left to right
Fig. 2.6 Grim attack
Fig. 2.7 Grim hurt

Enemy 02: Flicker
Flickers are the leaders of the Grim minions, known for their high damage output and long-range attacks. They are slightly taller than a human.

Fig. 3.1 Illustrating Flicker in Photoshop

Fig. 3.2 Flicker final design

The Boss: Grimlord
Grimlord is the Grimey boss. Every Grimey alien should pay respect to him and obey his rules. He travels in an advanced spaceship equipped with rapid and high-damage laser blasters and a plasma cannon.
Fig. 4.1 Illustrating Grimlord in Photoshop

Fig. 4.2 Grimlord final design

B) Environment

Before creating the tilesets, I searched for online tutorials to learn about the concept of tilesets and how they are combined together.
Tutorial video: How to Make Pixel Art Tilesets by Apox Fox

The tiles are designed to resemble a rocky terrain, representing the rugged landscape of the Lumina planet.
Fig. 5.1 Tileset final design

Background [Online resources]
Since my game’s setting involves the player travelling to outer space, I searched online for a suitable space background to use in my game.

Space backgrounds 

Fig. 6.0 Space backgrounds by PiiiXL (Source:

The traps serve as challenges for the player throughout the game, including spikes, acid pools, and falling asteroids. The falling asteroid trap is still in progress.

Fig. 7.1 Illustrating spikes in Photoshop

Fig. 7.2 Spikes attempts

Fig. 7.3 Spikes final design

Acid Pool
Fig. 7.4 Acid pool

C) Collectibles

The energy pieces are a newly discovered energy source on Lumina. Oliver’s mission is to gather these pieces throughout the planet.

Health packs function as power-up items that restore the player’s health during the game.

Fig. 8.1 Illustrating health pack and energy pieces in Photoshop

Fig. 8.2 Energy pieces final design

Fig. 8.3 Health pack final design

Game Level Mockup

Fig. 9.0 Level 1 Mockup


When I started illustrating the characters in pixel style, I had no idea how to begin. I struggled with the canvas sizes and character animations, not knowing how to illustrate them effectively. Fortunately, with the help of some online tutorials, I got the basic concepts of pixel art and created my own. While the outcomes aren’t perfect, I’m satisfied with them and appreciate the effort I put into the work. 



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