Games Development - Task 3: Game Prototype

12.06.2024 - 30.06.2024 / Week 8 - Week 10
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Games Development / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Task 3: Game Prototype


TASK 3: Game Prototype

We are required to create a prototype for our game that showcases the gameplay and tests out the game mechanics. 

Task requirements:
  • Coding movements and actions
  • Coding obstacles and enemies’ interactions
  • Coding game levels (Logic of the game)


What has been done:
Gameplay & Assets:
  • Scenes: Level 1, Game over scene
  • Player Control: Move, Jump, Double jump, Attack, Hurt, Die, Respawn
  • Enemy 01 (Grim) Control: Move, Attack, Hurt, Die
  • Traps: Spikes, Acid pool
  • Collectibles: Energy pieces, Health pack
  • Health System

What has yet to be done:
Gameplay & Assets:
    • Scenes: Start scene, Pause scene, Story cutscenes, Level 2, Level 3
    • Enemy 02 and The Boss Control
    • Traps: Falling asteroids
    • Collectibles: Double bullet power-up
    • Background
    • HUD Design, Buttons
    • Background music and sound effects

    Prototyping Process

    1) Sprites Import and Setup
    To set up the sprites, I followed a tutorial on importing 2D sprite sheets into Unity by Chris' Tutorials. I used the settings below and sliced the sprite sheet into individual sprites according to the sprite size using the Sprite Editor. I applied the same settings to all the sprites in the project.

    Sprite settings:
    • Sprite Mode: Multiple
    • Pixels Per Unit: 16 (set the same value for all sprites)
    • Filter Mode: Point (no filter)
    • Compression: None
    Fig. 1.1 Sprite settings

    Fig. 1.2 Slicing into individual sprites

    2) Player Movement (Idle, Move, Jump, Double Jump, Fall)
    I began the prototype with the main character, Oliver.  created basic animations for the player. Then, I developed scripts to handle the player's movement, including actions like idle, move, jump, double jump and fall.
    Fig. 2.1 Import player and develop player's movement

    Fig. below showcases the sprites of the main character, Oliver, which I created in Photoshop, including animations for all movements. Fig. shows the player animations I set up in Unity and transitions between different animations.

    Fig. 2.2 Main character sprites

    Fig. 2.3 Player animations

    Video 1: Player's basic movements

    3) Tileset
    Next, I set up the tileset and created a tile palette for it. I also created a tile rule, which made it more convenient to design the platform for the first level.

    Fig. 3.1 Tile sprites and tile palette

    Fig. 3.2 Tile rule

    4) Collectibles (Energy Pieces, Health Pack)
    Energy pieces are important items for the player to collect from the Lumina Planet, while the health packs serve as power-ups that restore the player's health. I created a subtle pulsing animation for both collectibles and created scripts to manage their interactions with the player.

    Fig. 4.1 Subtle pulsing animation

    I also added a collect effect to the energy pieces, indicating they are collected by the player. This effect is also applied to the health pack.

    Fig. 4.2 Interaction between the player and energy pieces (collect effect)

    5) Traps (Spikes, Acid Pool)
    The traps including spikes and acid pools serve as challenges and obstacles for the player. Both the spikes and acid pool take 1 health to the player. 

    Fig. 5.0 Interaction between the player and traps (acid pool & spikes)

    6) Enemy 01: Grim (Move, Attack, Hurt, Die)
    The enemy, Grims, are minions of the Grimey aliens who inhabit the Lumina planet. I spent quite some time creating the controls and movement for this enemy. I implemented ground and wall check detection so that when the enemy detects no ground, it flips direction, and when it detects a wall, it also flips.
    Fig. 6.1 Ground check detection

    Fig. 6.2 Wall check detection

    Another challenging thing was creating the enemy's attack behaviour. I wanted the enemy to start attacking when the player walks nearby, which required setting up a detection range for the player. Luckily, I found a tutorial that explained how to implement this behaviour. Below is the outcome, with the circle indicating the detection range.

    Video 2: Player enters detection range

    Besides, implementing the enemy's attack projectile was another challenge for me. When the enemy attacked, the projectile would come out but disappear immediately.  After numerous tests and trials, I discovered the issue was due to collisions between different layers. To resolve this, I assigned the projectile to a new layer and disabled the collision between the projectile and the enemy.

    Fig. 6.4 Sort into different layers and disable the collision (Project Settings)

    When the player enters the enemy's detection range, the enemy begins to attack and tracks the player's movement. The player gets hurt by reducing 0.25 health, triggering a flash effect and a brief freeze lasting about 0.5 seconds.

    Fig. 6.5 Interaction between the player and enemy (enemy's attack)

    7) Player Attack
    After learning how to implement the enemy's attack behaviour, I applied a similar concept for the player to attack the enemy.
    Fig. 7.0 Interaction between the player and enemy (player's attack)

    8) Health System
    Next, I implemented the health system for both the player and enemies, ensuring they take damage when hurt. Below are their respective health values and the sources from which they take damage.

    • Total health: 5
    • Damage sources:
      • Enemy (Grim): 0.25 health per hit
      • Spikes and acid pool: 1 health per hit
    Grim (Enemy)
    • Total health: 3
    • Damage from player: 0.5 health per bullet

    When the player runs out of health, he dies and the game ends.

    Fig. 8.0 Game over

    9) Checkpoint & Respawn
    I set up a checkpoint in Level 1 to save the player's progress during the game. I created a script for the checkpoint to activate and update the respawn position of the player once activated.

    Fig. 9.1 Activating checkpoint

    The most challenging issue I’ve faced is respawning the player. Initially, I successfully implemented respawning, but when I tried to integrate the respawn script with other scripts, it stopped functioning correctly. This caused problems such as the inability to spawn the player or spawn multiple players in the game.
    Fig. 9.2 Unable to respawn (Missing Reference Exception)

    Fig. 9.3 Spawning multiple players

    I recreated the respawn scripts and realized I did not assign the player prefab from the Assets folder correctly. The “Missing Reference Exception” occurred when the player was destroyed, causing enemies to lose their reference to the player. With ChatGPT’s help, I updated the respawned player’s Transform position to resolve this issue for the enemies. Finally, I successfully implemented the respawn functionality (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*‧₊˚
    Fig. 9.4 Respawning at checkpoint

    Final Submission

    Walkthrough Video

    Walkthrough Video - Task 3: Game Prototype

    Video Presentation

    Video Presentation - Task 3: Game Prototype


    This task required us to start coding for our game, making our assets playable, and showcasing interactions between the player and other game objects. I found it challenging because creating a platformer game involves using C#, a language I was totally unfamiliar with. Fortunately, online tutorials and the help of ChatGPT guided me through the process. As I worked on the prototype, I gained a basic understanding of C# but still struggled to write code independently. Despite room for improvement, I am satisfied with the progress made in this prototype, making the game playable. There is still much to be done, and I hope to complete a fun and visually appealing game by the end of the semester.



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