Games Development - Final Project: Playable Game

17.06.2024 - 05.08.2024 / Week 9 - Week 16
Lim Rui Ying / 0358986
Games Development / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media
Final Project: Playable Game


FINAL PROJECT: Playable Game

In the final project, we are to integrate the art asset into our game development and produce a fully functional and playable game.

After reviewing my game prototype, I realised it lacked variety in platforms and traps, such as moving and falling platforms, and blades. Besides, the linear design of Level 1 made the gameplay less interesting. For the final project, I revised the Level 1 layout, created other two levels, and developed additional game mechanics, including a second enemy, the boss, falling asteroids and moving platforms, to create more engaging and dynamic levels.

1) Scenes
Scenes including the start, game over, and victory scenes have been created for easy navigation.

Fig. 1.1 Start Scene

Fig. 1.2 Game Over Scene

Fig. 1.3 Victory Scene

2) Levels
I’ve completed three levels for my game, each with increasing difficulty. In Level 1, players face Grims, alien minions, and traps like spikes and acid pools. Level 2 introduces a tougher enemy, Flickers, along with a new trap—falling asteroids. The final level, Level 3, challenges the player to defeat the boss, Grimlord. Each type of enemy has a unique attack ability.

Level 1
The first level includes text guides to introduce the basic controls and game mechanics. This level serves as an introductory stage, featuring Grims, who attack at short range with a lower shooting rate. It also includes traps like acid pools and spikes, along with collectibles such as energy pieces, health packs, and a double bullet power-up. The mission for this level is to defeat all the Grims and collect all the energy pieces to spawn the portal to Level 2.

Fig. 2.1 Level 1 map layout
  • Enemy: Grims
  • Trap: Acid pools, Spikes
  • Collectibles: Energy pieces, Health pack, Double bullet
  • Props: Checkpoint, Moving platform, Portal

    Fig. 2.2 Instruction guide text (Level 1)

    Fig. 2.3 Interaction with enemy, Grim (Level 1)

    Level 2
    In this level, the map is designed with increased difficulty and complexity, featuring tougher enemies like Flickers and the trap of falling asteroids. Flickers have a higher shooting rate and can attack from a greater distance. After defeating a Flicker, it spawns Mini Flickers that continually bump into the player to attack. Collectibles, props, and other traps are the same as in Level 1 but are increased in number.

    Fig. 2.4 Level 2 map layout
    • Enemy: Grims, Flickers
    • Trap: Acid pools, Spikes, Falling asteroids
    • Collectibles: Energy pieces, Health pack, Double bullet
    • Props: Checkpoint, Moving platform, Portal
    Fig. 2.5 Fly using jetpack (Level 2)

    Fig. 2.6 Interaction with enemy, Flicker (Level 2)

    Fig. 2.7 Attacking Mini Flickers (Level 2)

    Level 3
    In this level, the player’s focus is on defeating the final boss, Grimlord, so there are no traps or Flickers. Only Grims and collectibles like health packs and a double bullet power-up are included. Grimlord moves around in a spaceship equipped with three laser blasters. The boss alternates between resting and attacking states. During the attacking phase, once Grimlord detects the player, he follows and attacks them.

    Fig. 2.8 Level 3 map layout
    • Enemy: Grims, Grimlord
    • Collectibles: Health pack, Double bullet

    Fig. 2.9 Boss level

    3) Scripts
    I have organized the scripts for my game into folders for easy access: Player, Enemies, Traps, and Items. The functions of the core scripts are listed below.

    Fig. 3.1 Scripts
    Game Manager:
    • Manages player’s health
    • Controls player’s power
    • Handles scene navigation
    • Tracks items collected
    • Tracks enemies defeated
    • Manages portal spawning

    Background Controller:
    • Creates the parallax effect for the background
    • Controls the background to follow the player

    Fig. 3.2 Scripts for player
    Player Movement:
    • Player control (move, jump, fly)
    • Jetpack mechanics
    • Attack, Hurt, Death
    • Collision management
    • Flip mechanism
    • Input handling

    Player Bullet:
    • Control bullet movement
    • Deals damage to the enemies

    Fig. 3.3 Scripts for enemies
    Enemy_Grim, Enemy_Flicker, Boss_Grimlord:
    • Enemies' movement
    • Detection of the player
    • Collision management
    • Flip mechanism

    Fig. 3.4 Scripts for items and props
    Energy Pieces, Double Bullet, Health Pack:
    • Handle collection by the player

    Damage Trigger:
    • Deals damage to the player

    4) Sound 
    Background Music (for all 3 levels)

    Sound Effect
    • Move
    • Jump
    • Attack
    • Hurt

    Items & Props
    • Items collect (energy pieces, double bullet, health pack)
    • Checkpoint activation
    • Portal spawning

    5) Upload to Netlify
    After completing the entire game in Unity, I built the project and uploaded it to Netlify.

    Fig. 4.0 Uploading to Netlify

    Final Submission

    Game Link

    Google Drive Link

    Final Game Design Document

    Final Game Design Document

    Presentation Video

    Video Presentation - Final Project: Playable Game

    Walkthrough Video

    Walkthrough Video - Final Project: Playable Game


    Creating my game has been a satisfying experience, from designing characters to crafting levels. I relied on tutorials and ChatGPT for guidance. The process required a lot of effort and patience, with constant testing and revising to ensure the game was enjoyable. While some parts were roughly developed due to time constraints, I’m proud of the work, especially the characters. Although my game is ordinary compared to others, I appreciated my efforts. This module was challenging, but it was a fun process when comes to complete this project with friends, sharing our games, and giving feedback. I think that would be our precious moments during this semester.


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